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The latest News articles from The MacHub


The MacHub News

No fans allowed - loud fan issues on your Apple Mac

No fans allowed - loud fan issues on your Apple Mac

Having the constant whirring of a noisy fan can provide an annoying background hiss to your working day. However, they are also an indication that the CPU in your Apple Mac machine is overworked or there is something else that your machine is struggling to deal with. 

Anti-Malware programs could be one of the causes. They are meant to clean your Mac but often will make your fans run constantly and cause more harmful effects to your mac than you had already! ☹  Don't use those ‘so-called’ cleaning apps, they're a waste of resources and some turn into malware after a while, especially if you don’t pay after a ‘trial’ period! 

So how do you resolve a noisy fan issue on your Apple Mac? Firstly, if you have a desktop or a notebook/laptop with a removable battery, try a hard ‘reset’:

·      Shut down your machine

·      Remove the power cable and the battery if it is a laptop, or just remove the mains power cable if it’s a desktop machine (contact the MacHub if you need help with this)

·      Hold the power button down for 10 seconds and then release

·      After pausing for a few seconds, re-install the battery and then re-attach the power cables 

·      Turn on your Mac again by pressing the power button.

If this doesn’t work, you can resolve some of these issues by resetting the System Management Controller (SMC). Note that this process is designed for older, pre-Apple T2 Security Chip Mac’s. We will be addressing machines with

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Playing it safe – The MacHub Covid-19 working measures

Playing it safe – The MacHub Covid-19 working measures

As a business that has continued to support our clients both onsite and remotely during this pandemic, we recognise that the safety of our clients and our staff is paramount.

This period has allowed us to understand the risks associated in our clients working environment.For this reason, at the MacHub, Covid-19 measure procedures have been implemented to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers.

To achieve this, from Spring 2020, we have taken special steps and permanently changed our working processes and practices that impact the way we work onsite with our clients. This has included creation of a project plan that includes the following:

  • Completion of a risk assessment prior to onsite work
  • Working around/outside our client’s busiest office periods
  • Maintaining a safe working distance
  • Wearing of facemasks and use of other PPE protective and sanitary equipment as and when necessary.

Should you have any questions or concerns please speak to a member of the team.

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Running applications when your Apple Mac memory is low

Running applications when your Apple Mac memory is low

If you are working in the Creative industry and use such programs as the Adobe Creative Suite, Apple’s Keynote, Microsoft Office Apps and perhaps Parallels (to run Windows), the chances are is that your machine will result in a severe lack of memory.


Here are 5 ways to keep your applications running smoothly: 

1. Try to have only one application running (open) at any one time

2. If using a video app, an Adobe app or any type of presentation application (e.g. Powerpoint), try to run these one at a time and not simultaneously

3. When running memory intensive applications it is worth rebooting the Mac every so often. This will free up some memory

4. Try to keep some reasonable free space on your hard drive. Particularly for Adobe and some Video/rendering programmes. Many of these programs use your hard disk as virtual memory

5. If you are finding that your Mac is still slow and quitting applications after this you need a hardware memory upgrade – come and speak to us at the Machub – we are here to help.

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iPhone photo format issues

iPhone photo format issues

Here’s a quick tip if you are struggling to upload a photo from your iPhone to other web services. Many advertising websites don't recognise the format ‘HEIC’ – including eBay, Amazon & Facebook. So, when trying to do an advert or just post something new and upload your photos, it won’t accept your images. 

Here's maybe why. If your photos are suddenly showing an extension at the end of their file name ‘...HEIC format’ then this will most likely be the reason. These settings are changed in the iPhone, not the Mac or its system OSX. It bears no relevance to Airdrop or how you are transferring or uploading these files. It is the camera option on the phone. When you update or get a new iPhone the Camera setting default to High Efficiency – in order format images for upload to the likes of eBay the setting should be changed to Most Compatible.

If you’re not seeing an extension to the end of your files like .JPEG or .PNG go into Finder, select Preferences, Click on Advanced and make sure ‘show all filename extensions’ is ticked.

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Still life in the old dog!

Still life in the old dog!

Recently, we were asked to resurrect a 2012 MacBook Pro or leave it to Rest In Pieces (RIP!) - it was limping along on Mountain Lion. The apps couldn’t be updated and eventually they stopped running. A 16 Gb memory upgrade (despite Apple saying this isn’t possible), replacing the old hard drive with an SSD, a few resets and a fresh installation of Mojave!

Hey Presto! This should see the owner good for another 2+ years! The owner said it was like being handed back a new machine. 

Have an old Mac in a dark cupboard somewhere? Why not challenge us too?  #MacBookPro #Remoteworking #Workingfromhome  

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3 step guide to Working from home and preparing for Video Conferences

3 step guide to Working from home and preparing for Video Conferences

The recent lockdown has meant that video conferencing has become the de-facto method of business communication with the rest of your team or customers. In essence it has turned us all into video stars! Eminent Psychologist, Jerome Bruner, suggested that people remember 80% of things they see as compared to only 10% of what they hear (along with 20% recall of written communication).

 Since visual communication is clearly more powerful than auditory communications for the average person, have you ever stopped to consider what you might do to improve the way you set-up for video conference calls? Follow our 3 step guide:

1. Consider lighting: Where the light needs to be, other lights or ambient brightness in the room.. Oh and brush yer hair first :). If you are in an office with no windows you can use an inexpensive desk lamp (bulb) right over your lens of your built-in camera and centred to it, which will be relatively flattering as long as it is facing towards you. Obviously other lights in the room will effect the desired outcome so this needs to be dampened or managed in another way - eg. other lights off, blinds closed, or subdued - never have light shining up from underneath your chin – this will do you no favours! If you have a window, we would suggest you have the window behind the laptop lid, again to illuminate your face. Don’t have any lights shining towards the lens or from behind you - unless

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Life after lockdown...Managing your business from anywhere

Life after lockdown...Managing your business from anywhere

Like many businesses, you are probably planning what to do now as we start to return to ‘business as usual’, even though we can only guess what the new business as usual environment will be in the next 6-12 months. Whatever happens, most businesses will need to evolve and embrace new ways of working.

They will have to be lean, efficient and agile in order to cope with the changing demands and the inevitable reduction of their clients’ budgets. Perhaps some employees will need to visit the office on a regular basis but with COVID-19 restrictions in place, not all your workers will be able to be in simultaneously. However, they will still need to communicate and have access to latest versions of files.

During the last few weeks the MacHub team have been really listening to our clients and understanding their challenges with developing a new business strategy for the next 6 months to 2 years or so. Our ‘Work from anywhere’ solution enables businesses to embrace extremely flexible working – where your workforce is either in the office, working from home or just about anywhere (so long as there is a broadband, hotspot or mobile signal).

This approach allows teams and individuals to access and upload files and collaborate with other team members and clients in real-time and have a central database where everyone knows what’s going on. This can be scaled from one user to many. It also enables Mac users to run Windows platforms and applications

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Running your business from home & stimulating your kids during Covid-19

Running your business from home & stimulating your kids during Covid-19

Business and learning are essential during this difficult period. At the MacHub we have a solution to support and set up companies, families and individuals to access work from home. It’s quite a simple procedure and can be configured remotely by us.

We are a local company, based near Bracknell and can provide ongoing support to keep you up and running. 

We can even introduce and train your kids to use the Adobe and Microsoft packages! We will configure your iPads, mobile devices and other Android equipment securely enabling you to always be online with your business and also keep the kids occupied! Call us now on 07715 210394 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and tell us what you want and we will give you a solution that will meet your needs.    

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Is it time for you to WOOO (Work out of Office)?

Is it time for you to WOOO (Work out of Office)?

Business and learning are essential during this difficult period. At the MacHub we have a solution to support and set up companies, families and individuals to access work from home. t’s quite a simple procedure and can be configured remotely by us. We are a local company, based near Bracknell and can provide ongoing support to keep you up and running. We can even introduce and train your kids to use the Adobe and Microsoft packages!

We will configure your iPads, mobile devices and other Android equipment securely enabling you to always be online with your business and also keep the kids occupied!

Call us now on 07715 210394 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and tell us what you want and we will give you a solution that will meet your needs.    

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